Life Skills for Leadership
Knoxville Happiness Coalition
Feeling Anxious?

Feeling Anxious?

Outline for a Positive Daily Routine

  1. Morning: Start with Positivity

    • Minimize News and Social Media:

      • Begin your day by avoiding negative influences from news or social media. This helps create a positive mindset and reduces stress or anxiety.

      • Instead, engage in something uplifting like a few moments of gratitude, meditation, or listening to an inspiring podcast or music.

    • Inspiration from: Shawn Achor (Author of The Happiness Advantage), who emphasizes the power of starting your day on a positive note to cultivate happiness and success.

  2. Midday: Gratitude Journaling

    • Journal Three Things You Are Grateful For:

      • Take a short break in your day to write down three things you are grateful for. Reflect on these positive aspects of your life.

      • Spend 10 uninterrupted minutes focusing on these thoughts to reinforce positivity and reduce stress.

    • Credit to: Shawn Achor, for emphasizing the importance of gratitude in promoting happiness and well-being.

  3. Evening: Unplug and Reflect

    • Put Away All Electronic Devices:

      • Before going to sleep, turn off and put away all electronic devices to reduce distractions and promote better sleep.

    • Journal Three Things That Went Well:

      • Reflect on your day by writing down three things that went well, no matter how big or small.

    • Inspiration from: Martin Seligman (Founder of Positive Psychology), who developed the “Three Good Things” exercise to increase positive emotions and well-being.

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Life Skills for Leadership
Knoxville Happiness Coalition
We help address pain points with the current rapidly changing climate of our world. Leaders need increased agility with soft skills. Collaborating in diverse space brings innovation, giving your organization a cutting edge advantage. We motivate individuals & organizations to improve well-being with inclusion & belonging initiatives. We offer complimentary consultations for coaching, consulting, training & development. Schedule your appointment today!
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