In the second episode, we share from a recent class where we conceptualized and summarized key concepts in The Artist Way. Before you say, "I am not an artist," hold on! This is a proven method to tap into the creativity within each of us to reach our full potential, whatever that may be. We are all different with our gifts. Let's walk this path together.
AgilEmpath Season 1 Soft Skills for Leaders; Episode 2- Introducing The Artist Way
Jun 28, 2020

Welcome to the AgilEmpath Podcast, where we explore empathetic, agile methodologies to enhance team building in creative ways. With a foundation in mental health counseling, we bring a deep understanding of human behavior to help you lead more effectively.
Are you coaching a team and need support in teaching soft skills? We provide tools to manage conflict and stress, boost productivity, and improve engagement—both at work and home—through emotional intelligence.
Welcome to the AgilEmpath Podcast, where we explore empathetic, agile methodologies to enhance team building in creative ways. With a foundation in mental health counseling, we bring a deep understanding of human behavior to help you lead more effectively.
Are you coaching a team and need support in teaching soft skills? We provide tools to manage conflict and stress, boost productivity, and improve engagement—both at work and home—through emotional intelligence.Listen on
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