Life Skills for Leadership
Mindset: Having Control

Mindset: Having Control

In Dr. Leaf’s book: “Think, Learn, Succeed,” 15 mindsets are explained that have been observed in participants to positively change brain chemistry.

“You cannot control the events and circumstances of life. You can, however, control your reactions to the events and circumstances of life through the choices you make and the thoughts you think.” ~Dr. Caroline Leaf

As human beings we are made of a spirit, soul, & body. Thoughts create our mood which influences how we feel physically. There is no separating feeling sad with having an upset stomach. If we are unclear where somatic problems are originating from, consider our psychology & spiritual state.

Superposition is the ability to focus on incoming information, think about the thoughts, analyze them choosing what stays and what goes. We do not have to accept thoughts and make them part of our thinking. Sometimes we have memories pop up due to a smell, or something someone said. We have the ability at that moment to recreate the memory balancing it with a positive that also occurred during the past. Truth of the matter, we have the ability to control our mind and this rewires the brain.

Begin controlling those thoughts, sorting them, and choosing what stays and what goes:

Do not allow thoughts to wander, instead capture them.

Analyze the thought.

Re-conceptualize thoughts & memories, by deciding what thought you would rather have. Add that thought to the mind’s vocabulary.


Life Skills for Leadership
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